PETRA MUSIC, flute ​​
F E A T U R E D R E V I E W S​
"I especially noticed the flutist (Petra Music) in the orchestra. When I heard her brilliant sound it was as if I could see the butterflies dance..."
Polytheatre Beijing, China Business Times
"An accomplished soloist: Petra Music impresses with her versatile flute playing (...) Mysterious, mystical, heart touching (...) Rightfully celebrated by the audience. (...) When she took up her flute, it was pure enjoyment. She convinced with virtuosic passages and her abundant musicality. "
Meisterkonzert Ludwigsburg, Ludwigsburger Presse
​"Petra features a brilliant sound in all registers with her natural musicality. She performs her musical concepts at the highest level."
Dieter Flury, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
"An extremely intelligent, sensitive musician who accepts nothing but the highest standard of performance. (...) She has an attractive sound, a fluid technique, and an innate, appealing sense of artistry."
Jonathan Keeble, University of Illinois
N E W S​
Adams Flute Festival 2025:
Playing Mozart in Style
BDB Querwind 2024: Miyazawa Gala Konzert Kammermusik mit Ian Clarke und Marc Grauwels und dem Miyazawa Ensemble
Syrinx 2024 -- Flötenfest mit Wally Hase, Pamela Stahel und Gareth McLearnon