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PETRA MUSIC, flute ​​
Selected Articles and Publications
Workshop: The senior flutist (Adams Festival 2022)
Concert: Auf Flügeln des Gesanges (2022)
Workshop: Time for Basics (Querwind 2021)
Article: Unlocking Creativity with Telemann (2017)
Workshop: BaRock Vivaldi (2017)
Article : The Piccolo in G in Entführung aus dem Serail (2016)
Workshop: Mozart and More (2016)
Article: The Left Handed Flute in Flute Teacher Education (2015)
Concert: Let's Play (2014)
Workshop: Spiel im Instrumentalunterricht (2014)
Concept: Significant Learning - Didaktik Konzept Querflöte (2011)
Article: Beyond Extended Techniques (2009)
Article: Portrait über die Flötenbaufirma Altus (2009)
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